What Is Fit Pro Coaching ?

Fit Pro Coaching is an e-coaching platform that allows us to maximize your time, money, and results. Rather than $75 for a single 1-hour session, you will have my expert coaching for only $75 per week.

Rather than traveling to meet for a session at a specific time, you will train at your convenience, wherever you are.  


  • Strength and cardio assignments
  • Nutrition targets and strategy
  • Text or email support (minutes to hours response time)
  • Movement coaching (feedback of exactly how to execute movements) 


  • Coaching call or voice memo “week review / preview”
  • Macronutrient adjustments
  • Fitness training programming 


  • Block review / results assessment
  • Goal-setting


    I have spent my entire adult life preparing (and training) to train you. I take pride in offering fitness coaching that is 100% personalized. Each piece of our protocol will be detailed and adjusted weekly. You will never have to wonder if you are doing what is right or best for your goals. Your goals will become our goals. 

    Your Protocol


    • Training frequency (how often)
    • Movement selection (what movements)
    • Movement execution (technique optimization)
    • Load (how heavy)
    • Volume (number of reps and sets)
    • Relative intensity (proximity to failure)
    • Cardio schedule (frequency)
    • Cardio intensity & duration (heart rate for time vs total calories burned)


    • Calorie budget
    • Macronutrient targets (carbs, fats, protein)
    • Nutrient timing recommendations
    • Supplementation (natural)

    True professionals understand scope of practice and credential. When necessary, I will defer and refer you within my network to the appropriate professional. I am proud to have a network that includes physical therapists, medical doctors, registered dieticians, and fitness professionals with varying specialties.

    I am not a medical professional. Fit Pro Coaching is not intended to treat or diagnose any injury or disease. Always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any diet or exercise program.

    I look forward to helping you to your best.
    Let's schedule a free 15-minute coaching call to discuss your goals!

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